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Top 50 Architecture Research Topics to Write on

Do you have any problems regarding your assignments? If you are an Architecture student, you may struggle with numerous tasks to complete within tight time frames. To avoid spending much time on choosing a topic you can write on, we have created this article with a list of architecture research topics to touch. The purpose of research in architecture is to develop the skills of independent academic thinking, proper data and ideas structuring. With this type of assignment, you can deliver any academic message clearly.

As for now, what you should start with? You may think about exciting research topics you have listened to lectures about and from which you can choose the one most appropriate to your academic knowledge and preferences. The theme you invent defines the format of a paper, its style and structure somehow. Know the message you want to share with readers, and that is the halfway to success.

Why Do You Need Research Paper Topics in Architecture Field?

Being experienced or new to finding some engaging architecture topics for research, you should pay attention to the tips we have gathered below. These are collected from various experts' opinions in this area, that is why you should trust them. To get a good grade for your paper or just to make it of high quality, you must know what you want to write and not invent it on the way. It may be a general description of the architecture styles these days or one specific element among buildings that are constructed everywhere worldwide.

While choosing a topic, you need to have a thesis you want to speak about, and the main arguments to prove it. There are a lot of other elements that should be included (such as proposals to solve an issue) but those are the main ones, and they define the opinion you form on the reader. You should also remember that you need to rely on some credible sources to sound more confident and to seem even more trustable in the eyes of your audience.

There are a lot of architecture research paper topics you can find on the Internet. Nonetheless, not all of them are worth your attention. That is because it does not matter how beautiful the topic sounds if you are unaware of the basic data it is about.

The List of Architecture Research Topics - Art Design

To satisfy your first need in research writing, we have created the architecture research topics list that contains various spheres of knowledge in architecture. Here are some of the topics for you to consider:

  1. How to build a low-cost housing
  2. Airports design
  3. Modern theatre architecture
  4. How to build a skyscraper
  5. Constructing a virtual city
  6. Heritage and architecture
  7. Restoring an old national park
  8. Convention center
  9. School of art and design
  10. Climatic buildings
  11. What should a media center look like?
  12. Resort design
  13. Hospitals functioning
  14. Rural areas and architecture
  15. A postmodern business center
  16. Designing a children's room
  17. Modern church reconstruction
  18. A building as a symbol
  19. Repairs may be a threat to old buildings
  20. Design as a tool for creativity

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Ancient Rome Architecture and Engineering Research Topics

Have you ever tried writing about Roman temples or stadiums? Those were the most important buildings in the Empire because they were the houses of cult and play. As for today, those topics are rarely chosen, and there are a lot of possibilities to go for more in-depth research. The problem is there are not so many sources you can access or easily find on the Internet. The scholars are convinced there is a big potential in the future for the studies in this area.

If you want to try writing about Baalbek, Palmyra or Pantheon, this is a perfect choice. Nonetheless, those are the most common choices. There are still other temples to choose from such as the Garni Temple or Dougga Capitol. That is advice to prevent you from choosing too trivial topics and be engaging with your essay. Some of the topics to consider are:

  1. Roman architecture through times
  2. Greeks and Romans as architects
  3. Roman invasion in Greek cities
  4. Classic architecture in the modern times
  5. The symbols of Roman buildings
  6. Engineers as new architects
  7. The ruins mean more than we might think
  8. Roman protochurches
  9. Engineers in villages
  10. Roman temples

Modern Architecture Research Paper Topics

The topics about modern buildings are the hot research topics in architecture, and that is why there are a lot of investigations already done. But those are the topics you may explore deeper:

  1. Footing insulation
  2. The effect of modern design on culture
  3. The effect technology has on architecture
  4. Traffic problems in cities
  5. Can architecture sustain water?
  6. The infrastructure of cities through time
  7. The 15th century in urban architecture
  8. Citizens are the ones that construct cities
  9. Big cities vs. small towns
  10. Reading postmodern cities

Islamic Architecture Research Topics

Islamic architecture may sound exotic for the Western world, and this is still an unrevealed mystery for some scholars. What topics can we offer you? Those are:

  1. Indo-Islamic Symbiosis in architecture
  2. How to understand little Islamic details in buildings
  3. Symbols of Islam
  4. How to Distinguish the Islamic style from other Asian ones?
  5. Cities and Caliphs
  6. European architecture influences on Islam
  7. Islamic buildings in Europe
  8. Riddle of Islamic churches
  9. Invisible signs of Islam
  10. Islamic religion and buildings

Inventing or choosing a topic for any dissertation, research paper or even essay is vital if the result matters to you. The best way to look intelligent with your writing is to select a topic you know much about, or you have a lot of sources to look through. It is better to take a little extra time deciding whether the theme was explored before and whether it is valuable to continue writing on it. The process saves much time and worries of students.

Once you are aware of the possible list of some wonderful research assignment topics, you may wonder how to make a chosen theme even more specific and concise, not to sound similar to previous investigators. The first thing you do is narrowing it down by specifying the thesis and arguments you will write about - they formulate the problem better.

Looking for precious researches concerning your topic, you can encounter a lot of services that write papers on various issues like business centers construction, a comfortable public space, illegal building, etc. It is up to you whether to benefit from them or stay conservative and write everything on your own. No matter what you choose - good luck with it.


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