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The Guide to Writing a Television Essay

An essay about TV is something you may write if you wish to impress both your teacher and classmates. When you can't (or don't want to) use some cheap essay help, it is not the end of the world, because you can always come up with something yourself.

You may start with something like: "Did you know that the number of television households in the United States in the TV season 2017-2018 was estimated at 119.6 million? It's a major increase since 2000, so it seems that the era of the internet is not a threat to the popularity of TV."

Statistics and facts are what you can operate with while doing your homework or preparing a report.

Television essay writing is what can help you to deliver your message. No matter whether you are love watching TV or hate all of the shows, you can express your opinion in the paper about television.

Your English composition teacher would like to hear your thoughts, and here is how to write such an essay properly.

Different Types of Television Essay Writing

First of all, you should decide which type of essay you want to create. All of them have different purposes and slightly varying structures. Here are some of the options!

  • Definition - define TV in various ways, including the official meaning.
  • Descriptive - describe some episode or news segment you saw on television.
  • Reflection - provide your response/reaction to some TV show.
  • Narrative - tell a story associated in your mind with television.
  • Compare and contrast - compare TV with, for instance, radio or computer.
  • Cause and effect - list the reasons why so many people get obsessed with television and tell about the possible consequences, both adverse and positive.
  • Argumentative - take a specific position in some debate related to TV.
  • Persuasive - try to convince the reader of your truth, make them want to support your position.

Essay writing starts with picking a topic. In most cases, teachers assign specific issues to discuss. However, you should be ready to select the ideas on your own.

Start with brainstorming based on the materials you collect online or in the library. Put down all possible opinions about television today. Think about which topic you feel most comfortable with and get ready with the quotes to use in your paper. Make sure to cite them properly!

If you're stuck with the good topics on an essay about television, have a look at the suggestions below!

10 Excellent Television Essay Topics

Depending on the type of essay, you may choose to write your academic paper on one of the suggested television essay topics.

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of using TV in education.
  2. The harm that television shows can bring to our kids.
  3. Impact of reality shows on youth.
  4. The cyber revolution of the news.
  5. The development of teen TV during the last decade.
  6. TV role models and their influence on an average viewer.
  7. Things that make people love TV shows.
  8. Television obsession and how to fight it.
  9. Should violent TV shows be banned forever?
  10. Comparing and contrasting television and radio.

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Television Essay Outline Example and Template

An outline is an action plan for writing. A writer will not go far without an outline as it leads all the way through to the conclusion.

Most of the essays have similar structures, so the outlines look alike as well. The standard structure is an introduction, body, and conclusion.

If you cite any sources in your paper, you should also add a bibliography page at the end (references). Depending on the format, you may also need to develop a title page and some extra sections, especially if writing a research paper.

Decide on the length of your essay first. Usually, instructors specify it in the prompt. Try to stick to the required word count as some professors are strict about it. A regular essay is approximately 500 words.

You may insert your titles of the corresponding sections in your outline instead of just writing "paragraph 1, etc." to speed up the process. Decide how long each section should be not to exceed the recommended word count. They should be all approximately equal, so make it something around 100 words per each if you are writing a 500-word essay.

Here is a particular example.

Uses of Television.

  1. Intro (what is television and its origins)
    • The shocking fact about television (like at the beginning of this article).
    • Short history: First founded in...
    • Thesis: Television impacts human minds more than many people can imagine, and it is critical to take certain preventive measures not to become TV zombies one day.
  2. Body
    • Claim 1. Television has many benefits as it is a way of communication as well as an informative device.
    • Claim 2. Television is a great study tool.
    • Claim 3. Television forces youth to commit crimes and act violently.
  3. Conclusion
    • Rehashed thesis
    • Summary of the claims
    • Rhetorical question as a hook: So, should people restrict access to television, or, vice versa, support the usage of this device?

That is a good example to think about as readers prefer debatable topics. You should motivate the target audience to take part in the discussion instead of simply sharing obvious facts.

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Number of words 275 per page
Margin 1 inch (2.54 cm)
Font Times New Roman, 12 Pt
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